Feature Highlight: Asset Management
Get the most out of your IT investments with Genuity Asset Management.

(This is a feature highlight of Genuity’s IT Asset Management tool.)
Manage and track of all your assets so you can get the most out of your investments. Know exactly what your business has and which employee has them. Keep an eye on age, warranty, performance, and avoid costly mistakes.
Asset Management System
Genuity’s asset management tool was built to make this easy. Our goal was to give businesses of all sizes a simple, but powerful asset management tool that gives businesses more visibility and control over their network- and make that information readily available and useful.
Have a record of every asset your businesses has invested in. See location, warranty, and user at a glance. Get automatic alerts when warranties are expiring to take action. Having visibility of your system gives you the opportunity to protect your investments, and save you time and money.
Having asset information recorded and readily available can save hours of digging through warranty files, or looking for that tiny sticker with the serial number. IT teams are able to quickly get the information they need to solve any issues that may come up. Our Asset Management tool is closely integrated with Genuity’s IT Helpdesk.
Have all your devices and assets in order. Enjoy the confidence and convenience that comes with a unified, central record of all your investments.
Asset Onboarding
Getting assets into Genuity is a breeze.
With Genuity, you can quickly onboard all your company’s existing assets with our discovery tools. We give you several tools to use in combination to get the most accurate account of all your devices, designed with flexibility to reduce manual labor.
Network Probe
We created a tool that uses your network to discover and automatically add connected devices to your Genuity system.
Windows Agent
A password-protected Windows application that runs in the background and sends up-to-date device information to the system.
Self Onboarding
Send your staff a one-time executable program that automatically collects device information, with minimal user interaction. Add your staff, and we’ll email them an invitation to download the app. Users will receive a link in their email that opens up the executable program. Once a user clicks the link, it scans their device and uploads that specific device’s hardware and software data directly to Genuity.
We built this platform with flexibility and ease of use in mind. Genuity has manual options for bringing on your assets as well.
Importing Spreadsheets
If you’ve got your assets in a spreadsheet right now, just format the information to fit our template and import that list easily.
Manual Entry
If you like to be more hands on, we also allow users to add assets manually.
Businesses are investing more in technology and equipment, and if they don’t track those devices as they come in- it can be difficult to ensure security and compliance down the line. Few organizations today can say they have a complete record of what’s on their network at any given time.
We’ve made it easy and affordable for anyone to onboard, maintain, and keep a healthy records of all their business devices.
Learn more about the Genuity platform.
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