About Genuity
On a mission to level the playing field & democratize IT.
Bringing the
spark of democracy to set ablaze a revolution in IT.
At Genuity we believe businesses are stronger together. We want to deconstruct the black box of IT and empower businesses that otherwise have the odds stacked against them.
How We Got Here
Conceived by IT pros, built by innovators, and improved together.
How We Got Here
Conceived by IT pros, built by innovators, and improved together.

By IT pros, for IT pros.
Genuity came about as a reaction to the predatory practices and unfair pricing structures in the IT Market. With over 40 years of comibined experience in the IT world we had experiended firsthand the blackbox that is IT, so we decided to create something different. We wanted to develop an independent, unbiased, and objective information source — no marketing fluff, just the facts.
We knew that if businesses could share their data and purchasing power with one another, they could all make better decisions. By working together vastly more can be learned and achieved than alone. Businesses are stronger together.
Breaking open the black box.
We don't believe in hidden auto-renew clauses, complex cancelation terms, hidden surcharges, or any other unnecessary costs that make operating more difficult while adding zero value to a business. With the help of IT pros and businesses just like yours, we are building a network of transparency. No gotchas and no gimmicks—a network that grows stronger together, treats everyone fairly, and puts business interests first. As each new business joins the movement, every members' analytics and buying power gets stronger. When businesses connect, everyone wins, and the services, technology, and network keep growing.
This is what happens when technologists, businesses, and entrepreneurs get together to change the status quo - you create a new logic.
Company Values
Our guiding principles in creating IT Solutions that are fair, accessible, and transparent.

Put clients first.
Our work is only as successful as our clients - if we make your work more simple, easier, and more productive, we win.

Every voice matters.
Everyone at Genuity can move the goalpost. Great ideas (and important critiques) can come from anyone.

Play the long game.
We want to build something we'll be proud of. We never sacrifice our long-term vision for short-term gains.

Don't be afraid to fail.
No great idea has ever come to life without a few bumps along the way. Own mistakes and let them drive success.

Share our successes.
We're all dependendant on each other. No man is an island, and no success comes without the support of the team.

Put in our best effort.
No matter how small, every project or assignment should be tackled with as much attention to detail as anything else.
Our Investors
Backed by the best.

Looking to work for a company that's actually disrupting the industry but won't disrupt the rest of your life? At Genuity we know that a successful company requires an empathetically-driven and collaborative team made up of empowered and holistic people . We equip our remote team with the benefits & flexibility they need to succeed in life and in business.