IT Asset Management Software
Stay on track with your IT assets.
Onboard all your assets with ease (minus the expense) and gain better visibility and more control over all your technology and hardware.
Genuity asset management software makes it easy to stay on track with your IT investments.
Real-time decision making, real-time results, and real-time savings.
Save time, money, & avoid costly mistakes.
Genuity gives you centralized visibility for every company asset. Know what you own, who has them, the condition they're in - all in a real-time dashboard that makes asset management a breeze.
Have a clear record of your IT assets to keep your usage and costs transparent.
Actionable Insights
Keep track of warranties, performance, even bugs. When it's time to upgrade, save big in our marketplace.

Onboarding all of your assets with just the push of a button.
Asset management shouldn't be a pain. Our powerful cross-platform asset discovery tools can get your assets into the system immediately. Time is money, and you've got more important things to do.
Once you've downloaded the right asset onboarding tool, simply log in and click "sync". We'll take care of the rest.
See what you have. Discover what you need.
Outdated, out-of-warranty devices are costly. Keeping track of your assets is an effective way your business can save money and make sure your technology investments are fully utilized.

What is IT Asset Management?
IT Asset Management (ITAM) software centralizes an organization's hardware and software assets. ITAM helps an organization monitor its tech spending, minimize vulnerabilities, better deploy its resources, and manage the lifecycle of each property. ITAM is part of Genuity's IT Admin Suite.
Why does one need
IT Asset Management software?
Productivity workflows can suffer.
Machines that are past warranty or outdated can cause workflow slowdowns. Obsolete assets produce inferior results. ITAM assists an organization with its asset tracking when it comes time to replace or upgrade.
Identifying single points of failure isn't rocket science.
Redundancy must be preplanned for the inevitable event failures. Genuity’s ITAM dashboard provides an accurate view of the tech landscape so assets can be quickly swapped out.
IT asset upgrades and disposals come with the territory.
ITAM makes identifying and scheduling assets for disposal and replacement easy.
Industry regulations can seem to change daily.
Relying on a spreadsheet to track industry compliance creates an environment that can breed costly mistakes. Spreadsheets are inaccurate, unreliable, and inefficient. It no longer makes sense to use them to track a company’s IT assets.
Complete accuracy shouldn't be just wishful thinking.
Companies are decentralizing their IT assets to save on costs, convenience, and gain competitive advantage. Genuity’s IT Asset Management System makes tracking these remote assets painless.
Lifecycle tracking saves time, money, and leads to increased productivity.
IT assets typically go through the following stages: Purchased, Available, Received, Repaired, and Disposed during their lifetime. Genuity’s ITAM software eliminates the need for a static, spreadsheet record.
Faster mean time to recovery.
Time is money in any business. Once a faulty asset is identified, it needs to be taken offline quickly so the production environment can be restored.
Bring order to the asset chaos.
Without an ITAM solution, planning is impossible, management uncontrollable, and support is much more difficult. Genuity's ITAM system helps an organization identify, track, and resolve common fault occurrences, fast.
Increase governance.
Centralized, secure record keeping is vital in tracking an organization's IT assets. As working-from-home scenarios lead organizations to beef up their governance, an ITAM solution helps make that happen.
What sort of IT assets can you track?
Today, an organization’s tech stack is more decentralized and diverse. Not having a handle on an organization’s assets could mean ghost assets remain hidden, maintenance savings go unclaimed, operational efficiency suffers, budget forecasting becomes difficult.
Organizations usually list computers, servers, printers, and scanners as IT assets. These assets can be leased or owned outright. Software applications, company-owned, leased, or subscribed to, are also member-candidates for an IT Asset Management Solution.
And when it does come time to purchase some new IT assets, don't forget to check out Genuity's IT marketplace.

How does an ITAM help prevent unwanted intrusions?
The ability to track the patch level and software version of each device on the network may be one of ITAM’s greatest benefits.
To choose the best IT Asset Management Solution for your organization, take a few minutes to explore Genuity’s ITAM’s features and functionality by signing up for a no-risk totally free trial.
The information displayed on Genuity’s ITAM dashboard gives the IT professional the ability to quickly scan the network to make sure every device is running with the latest security patches and software version. This ability ensures the network is secure.
Additional entry points are appearing on corporate networks almost overnight. The need for “enhanced security” is moving up the priority list when an organization contemplates purchasing IT Asset Management Software.