June Platform Update

See what updates we've made as we continue building and improving Genuity!

See what updates we've made as we continue building and improving Genuity!

Genuity makes it easy to manage all of your IT in one platform.

At Genuity we build tools to help businesses and IT leaders navigate the IT market, optimize their technology spend, and improve their bottom line. Our goal is to align your technology and business goals within one system to make things a little easier.

We spent May adding some exciting new features while continuing to improve existing ones:


In May we focused on IT help desk enhancements to simplify your ticket resolution, allowing IT department to automate tasks and collect tickets - Simple tracking solutions to solve problems and close tickets.

We are not stopping there here are a few enhancements we have in the works:


In today’s tech space IT Asset Management is a must and we continued to make enhancements as well as improve existing functionality.

We focused on ways to simplify automation and customization such as:

Here is what is coming soon that we are working hard to ship:

Sync data from Ubiquity with Genuity


The Genuity Network Monitoring Dashboard

This has been in the works for some time now and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked out the kinks.

Launch scheduled for the week of June 8th with the following functionality:


We have been working hard on reporting and we continued to make progress in May and couldn’t be more excited about some of the enhancements we are making in addition to the things we will be adding.

Custom reporting allows you to select the data points you want to report on in any module and export that data in the format of your choosing (Excel, CSV, PowerPoint, etc.).

Reporting is live now for:

We are currently working on adding reporting in all modules along with the ability to custom graph and chart this data for exportable reports to make you look like a hero.

Custom Charting with Genuity

Coming soon:

We always love hearing from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any feedback or suggestions. Thanks for another great month and stay safe!

Keep up to date and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter @gogenuity!

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