You Don't Need Another SaaS App, You Need a Better Model
Technology is a critical investment, but are you paying a fair price?

When it comes to IT, the less you know, the more you pay.
As far reaching and prominent as the benefits of technology are, the IT market is still shrouded in complexity, exclusivity, and confusion. This is no accident. Technology companies profit by keeping their products complex.
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are working hard every day to stay competitive and grow their business, but they don’t get to enjoy the efficiencies and support achieved by technologies that larger companies can afford. What is available for SMBs are expensive and complex solutions with little support.
IT decision-makers may be experts in their field, but everyone needs help choosing the right solution to meet the needs of that business. Companies like Gartner exist to provide the technology related insight and research necessary for their clients to make the right decisions, but at a price point inaccessible to most companies. In the IT market it is a classic case of the asymmetry of information. The party with fewer resources gets the worse deal.
So, how do you change the status-quo? Another SaaS app? A new marketplace? When built to serve individual companies these products only add to the noise and focus on features rather than pricing.
We want to empower you to break open the black box of IT that has allowed companies to thrive by obstructing market transparency.
Our model is to provide solutions built on visibility and collective power.
The New Logic
With the help of IT pros and businesses like yours, Genuity is building a network of transparency. No gotchas and no gimmicks—a network that grows stronger together, treats everyone fairly, and puts business interests first. Our model is to provide solutions built on visiblity and collective power.
Businesses Are Stronger Together
We know that if businesses share their data and purchasing power with one another, they can all make better decisions. By working together, vastly more can be learned and achieved than if we do it alone.
At Genuity, we want to level the playing field by giving you instant access to the tools, capabilities and purchasing power that, until now, was only available to large companies.
To do that we built the Genuity Platform—two modern solutions built on our disruptive money-saving model.
With Genuity the savings are real, and they start from day 1. When businesses connect, everyone wins, and the services, technology, and network keeps growing.
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