5 Signs You Need to Change Your IT Help Desk Solution

Here’s How to Tell if a New IT Help Desk Solution is in Order

Here’s How to Tell if a New IT Help Desk Solution is in Order

Do you currently have an IT help desk solution? Are you dissatisfied with its performance, or are you simply wondering if there are better options out there? If you didn’t try out demos or take advantage of free trial periods, you might not have the best choice for your company.

It’s not a matter of whether you need one or not. Companies these days are highly dependent on technology, so your business needs an IT help desk to help employees with their technical issues.

But having one isn’t the same thing as having the right one. That’s why you need to do your research, find something that meets your company’s needs, and ask the right questions. A lot is riding on your offering an IT help desk that meets your company's needs.

If you already have an IT help desk but are underwhelmed by what it’s bringing to the table, keep reading for five signs that you need to change your IT help desk solution. If you’re experiencing any of these signs, your next step will be finding the right one for you. It’s worth the effort.

Sign #1: Employees Avoid it Like the Plague

One telltale sign that your current IT help desk software isn’t up to snuff is if your employees simply refuse to use it. If it’s challenging to navigate, not very user friendly, or not responsive enough, your employees may opt not to use it. They may try to figure it out for themselves, for instance.

On the one hand, that’s a good thing since workers will be taking the initiative. On the other hand, that can be a bad thing if workers struggle to find solutions to their problems. They could be spending an inordinate amount of time trouble-shooting when they should be working.

You need to find a solution that’s accessible and intuitive. It should be easy enough to use so that there’s a relatively low learning curve. When you get the right IT help desk solution for your company, you’ll make it easy for workers to connect with IT staff.

It’ll also be easier for workers to find the resources they need to solve their problems. Offering how-tos, explanatory articles, community forums, and chatbots can help workers be more proactive in finding help.

Sign #2: It Complicates the Support Process

Does your current IT help desk software make the support process easier or does it complicate the process? If it’s the latter, you could make things harder for your IT support team. The solution you have at your company should make it easier for the IT department to handle employee requests for support.

Does your current IT help desk solution make the burden lighter or heavier for your IT department? The right solution should automate the process so it’s easy to manage the workload. It will prioritize requests, allocate different requests to different IT team members, and make it easier to manage end-user requests. Your IT support team will have the tools to better serve employees who require help with technical issues.

Sign #3: You’re Paying More Than You Think it’s Worth

After buying an IT help desk solution, you might find that your company isn’t getting its money’s worth. Perhaps you’re paying more than the industry average despite your IT help desk solution lacking some of the features that other solutions available have.

That’s one reason it’s vital to demo several options to see which one is the right fit for your company. If you’re paying too much for what you’re getting or find that there are too many extra costs that are overwhelming your business, you might want to consider whether or not you should go with another IT help desk solution instead.

Sign #4: You Realize That a More Suitable Option Exists

What happens if you buy an IT help desk and later discover that a more suitable application exists? One of the critical features of such software is automation. IT help desk software automates processes and streamlines the delivery of assistance to end users. After using your existing software for a while, you might find that a competing product is more up your alley. You might want to switch depending on the terms you agreed to when buying your existing software.

A good IT help desk solution is worth the investment. So, if you invested in the wrong one, you can remedy that decision and move on to a more suitable platform whenever it’s possible.

Sign #5: You Have Too Many or Too Few Features

Another problem you’ll want to avoid is having an IT help desk solution that either has too many or too few features. On the one hand, you don’t want to pay for features you’re not using. That’s not a good use of your budget. You're squandering away money every month if you have high-end features you aren’t using and probably won’t use. On the other hand, if you have too few features, neither your IT team nor your employees are getting everything they need.

You need to find an IT help desk solution that is the right fit for your company. It should be scalable enough to grow with your firm, but having too much or too little is a losing proposition.

That’s why it pays to spend time researching what’s available, trying demos, and taking advantage of free trials. While testing them out, get feedback from your IT department and workers. Finding out which IT help desk solution is the best fit for your organization is essential.

Try Our Next-Gen IT Help Desk

Do you want to get a next-generation IT help desk solution that allows your IT staff to service end users at your company? If so, you need to try our IT help desk solution. In fact, you can request a demo and even get started for free. No credit card is required, and there's no software to download. It's all online. When you’re ready for an IT help desk reimagined to meet the needs of businesses here and now, get in touch. Genuity has what you need! Contact us to learn more.

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